Laparotomy surgical instruments quiz
Laparotomy surgical instruments quiz

laparotomy surgical instruments quiz

The circulating nurse manages the operating room and protects the safety and health needs of the patient by monitoring activities of members of the surgical team and checking the conditions in the operating room. Circulating Nurse – respond to request from the surgeon, anesthesiologist or anesthetist, obtain supplies, deliver supplies to the sterile field, and carry out the nursing care plan.Scrub Nurse or Assistant – a nurse or surgical technician who prepares the surgical set-up, maintains surgical asepsis while draping and handling instruments, and assists the surgeon by passing instruments, sutures, and supplies.He or she then informs and advises the surgeon of impending complications. Aside from that, the anesthesiologist continually monitors the physiologic status of the patient for the duration of the surgical procedure and the physiologic status of the patient to include oxygen exchange, systemic circulation, neurologic status, and vital signs. This member is also responsible for maintaining satisfactory degrees of relaxation of the patient for the duration of the surgical procedure. Anesthesiologist or anesthetist – provides smooth induction of the patient’s anesthesia in order to prevent pain.He or she is ultimately responsible for performing the surgery effectively and safely however, he is dependent upon other members of the team for the patient’s emotional well being and physiologic monitoring. Surgeon – leader of the surgical team.Although the surgeon has the most important role in this phase, there are key members of the surgical team. The intraoperative phase begins when the patient is received in the surgical area and lasts until the patient is transferred to the recovery area. Promote the principle of asepsis asepsis.The patient needs the security of knowing that someone is providing protection during the procedure and while he is anesthetized because surgery is usually a stressful experience. The nurse’s care and concern extend from the time the patient is prepared for and instructed about the forthcoming surgical procedure to the immediate preoperative period and into the operative phase and recovery from anesthesia. Throughout the surgical experience the nurse functions as the patient’s chief advocate.

laparotomy surgical instruments quiz

The intraoperative phase extends from the time the client is admitted to the operating room, to the time of anesthesia administration, performance of the surgical procedure and until the client is transported to the recovery room or postanesthesia care unit (PACU).

Laparotomy surgical instruments quiz